Monday, August 3, 2009

my new pet...SAKAII

i hav a new pet !!
it isnt real pet but it is still sooo cute...
it is a "cyber pet" wahahahah...
sakaii the penguin!!!!.....XD
...u can click it n play with it hahah XD

n i juz change some songs in my music mixpod player~
the first song is by BY2.....dont go away~
n the second song is by gary n fish leong.......PK~
the third song is gary's.....supermarket
n after it is by yiruma's.....kiss the rain (piano solo)
n the last song is super junior's................sry sry

hahaha new song ooo
all very classic de~
hope u guys will like it

now i am gonna play with sakaii....comments kk^^